A few weeks back I got a new xbox 360 for my birthday, since the one I got last year fried a month or 2 after I got it since it was under a lot of neglect from the past owner and myself (since I didn't really know the do's and don'ts for handling a 360, damn things are so finicky) recently my brother purchased a small collection of games for it as well as buying the Microsoft points to get the full version of castle crashers. Life.... is good.... except for school....
If you got any of the following xbox360 games you could consider adding me to a friend if your up for a game
Gamertag: SimGunner
(tittles that in bold text I play quite frequently)
Armored Core 4
Castle Crashers
Perfect Dark Zero
Resident Evil 5
Games I'm hoping to get later on
Fallout 3
Call of duty 4 modern warfare
and Possibly Call of Duty World at War