I recently got the 30-day trial of Flash CS3 on my laptop. After spending a few hours on it every few days, I barely have any idea on how it works... All I know how to do is tweening, frame by frame, and onion skinning.
Although I can't really make movies very well, I made a practise flash that
I THINK will be NG quality, I just need to tweak it a bit more and I'll submit it in a few days. Although theres a good chance its going to be a failure, I gotta start somwhere right...? rriiight...???
Oh yea, and I got a few questions about flash, first, how do you use action script? and how does converting stuff to symbols work? All I know about it is that you use it to copy images you made.
I hated CS3
SimCorder (Updated )
Well my CS3 version pulled a quitter on me, it told me my trial expired... 20 days before it was actully suppose to, so I'll probably get flash 8 next (considering what A12 said)