Love it,
This song... is awesome. Inspiring yet relaxing, I could see this being used in a movie or game where there was a mysterious yet peaceful forest or another related environment.
Love it,
This song... is awesome. Inspiring yet relaxing, I could see this being used in a movie or game where there was a mysterious yet peaceful forest or another related environment.
Thanks, the original genius was UncleBen though xD
Could make the most awesome video game music ever
If this was thrown into a video game or movie with the right theme... THIS WOULD BE UNSTOPPABLE!! Except for that pause. There was not a single dull moment. it had that intensity all the way from beginning to end.
You have done an amazing job.
Thanks, I try to really think things out while writing the composition to things. Glad you enjoyed it. :)
This song is epic, although slightly repetitive here and there, it isn't enough to affect how awesome it is.
Excellent work.
Well you're right about the repetitive part.... well there's still lyrics to put on it to change this perception, anyway, I will like to thank you a lot man, have a great day!
I large improvement
I got a chance to listen to your other versions before you deleted them. I can certainly say, its a gigantic improvement. Although several parts were amped up that one tune (1:55 to around 2:02) seemed really toned down from the original as well as the ending.
Sorry, me and my bro are a fanatic of the original song. However listeners if your a star fox fan this is defiantly worth listening too in my book.
Pretty good for a first try
This song is tense, the fast tunes and fast beats also add to the tensity. A problem though would be at the beginning, the beat seemed to drag on a bit longer then it should of. But heck I enjoy this.
Thanks, I kindof agree ;)
I must have strong willpower. Didn't fall asleep
Or it must of been the fact that I was busy thinking of what to write while I was listening to this, some people may have dozed off but I stayed awake so I could write an accurate as possible review. The song had quite the drowsy effect, but those parts with that really loud note seemed to be a bit of an ear hurting which kinda broke me free from it. (though might just be my old speakers but I dunno for sure their pretty decent) besides that I have no other complaints. this song is doing what its intended to do.
Hey man, thanks for reviwing my songs. You must understand though that I dont make music anymore... However, I enjoy reading every review I get and responding to it. THANKS MAN!
Nicely done.
It amazes me on how good the quality is even though the file size is smaller then most high quality songs like this. (Although I haven't hung out in the audio portal for a while so I dunno if I'm 100% accurate on that). As you stated some tunes are heard more then once, but the combination's there played in are almost unique every time or at least played to the point I can't seem to recognize them. However my main compliant is when the song loops there's a 2-4 second pause. I'm stating this since I believe the song can loop itself quite easily.
Thats because of the sucky Newgrounds audio thing. Its terrible at looping stuff. O_o Oringally this looped quite well.
The radio guy was hilarious, but the chief sounded kinda feminine once or twice for a few seconds, but I'm pretty sure that can be avoided with a bit more experience.
Age 33, Male
Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Joined on 9/30/07