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Man, Fire Fighter games are extremely underrated, double so for well made ones such as this.

The difficulty is a bit unforgiving, mainly with the pacing of Rescuing everyone trapped inside and then racing to save the building afterwards. I rarely got through a level on the first try. Once I got a bit more familiar with the level layout it became easier to manage since I could clear the areas I needed cleared more quickly.

I love the idea of the foam mechanic to create safe zones. However there is a bit of an issue is just how limited it is, either using it to make a fire proof zone, or to blitz through an area quickly and then your out after using it in 2 situations. Then there is the smouldering walls and ceilings, nothing brought me more frustration as I'm trying to put the last fires out, and the smouldering walls re-ignite the areas I cleared and I lose the game solely because of this. Plus there's no way to fully put them out without foam.. when I used up all my foam for damage control earlier on.

I tried spraying them down with the water sprayer, and it sounded like it worked, but it didn't do anything. I don't know if this is bugged or not implemented yet, but I'd recommend at least making it so the Water Sprayer turns any smouldering surfaces from "red" to black, but they'll reignite if another flame source goes near them.

--My Recommendations--

As much as I wanna say the player needs a tad more foam (maybe like an extra second or two) so they have more margin for error, perhaps it might not be needed depending on how the difficulty is adjusted later on.

There needs to be a way to permanently extinguish smouldering walls/ceilings without foam. Since they are usually a massive annoyance at the end when trying to douse the last few fires.

Also there needs to be some elaboration on not to break open windows. Or at least I assume breaking windows is bad because it allows the fire to breath more easily and thus spread.

Never the less, the challenge still makes this game exhilarating and satisfying when everything goes to plan. Mostly just needs some polish and I'd say this is going in a great direction.

Stopsignal responds:

Damn, I wake up and get hit with three positive reviews already, and two of those and descriptive and thoughtful!! Thanks a lot!!! (:

I started checking out firefighter games since I started this one, and I kind of fell in love with the genre, specially how everyone has a different take on how to do it, which is great fun to analyze

I'll think about adding more foam! Maybe with upgrades, as the final game with story mode is going to have some. We'll see! (:

Now, about the smouldering walls, im dumb and didn't tutorialize that, sorry! You can put those out with the sprinkler, but it takes a while.

It works exactly as you said, takes some time, so you can choose whether to continue and save people or clean all fires!!

I have made the feedback of doing so a bit more exaggerated, and added an small tutorial message before entering the level

About windows, I will add a temporary tutorial message for that too! (when I leave the office lol) They are kind of a risk reward situation, where they heal people by some seconds but also make fires stronger around you!

Thank you so so much!!! (: This helps a ton!!!

took me a lotta retries, but I got all 6 endings.

Controls take a bit of getting used too, but are fine once you get the hang of it

--Spoiler warnings beyond this point--

A problem I ran into though, when I was still figuring everything out for the first time, was that I got to the Wolf Cave before anywhere else, I figured this was the first boss area, but in reality, its the finale. I actually did manage to beat it in every flavor possible (more because I kept losing sheep or dying trying to keep them safe.)

In hindsight after completing the game however, I feel like the above statement was intended to be that way, rather then an error in pacing.

I found the gun before I found the axe. I don't know if that was intentional, but when I was blasting down the trees, I found the axe. Then I realized that you can walk past the cabin to get to the axe without needing to waste the precious ammo to blast the trees. I could of just been blind as a bat, but the layout for the cabin area gave me no impression there was an area behind it that you could explore which contained crucial items. Perhaps a walkway or trail would of made it more clear, but again, could of just been my lack of trying.

The hidden boss fight was rather savage though, mostly cause its hitbox from the side is a lot skinnier then it appears, I felt like I died more because a hit that I believed should of registered, didn't. However I got around this by finding out that hitting it from the front was the best way to go and once I figured out how it moved and attacked, it became way more manageable. I will say though, the fact the game puts you back right where you left off was the only thing keeping me going at some parts of the game due to how frustrating that fight was in comparison to the wolves.

In the end, when I fully completed the game though, I believed, or at least felt I could understand your vision on how the map and game play were designed and paced the way they were. (My guess was to encourage trial and error and force the player to explore and discover more ways to get the remaining endings)

One thing I have to offer full praise for is the audio, the eerie and dread inducing atmosphere and the fight track really added to the fears and dangers you were/could be facing.

Overall, while the game was unfair and confusing at times. Looking back after I conquered the challenges you put before me. I loved it, every bit.

Warxwell responds:

Thanks for your comment!

From the controls comment I think it's because of the JKL combo, maybe ZXC and arrow keys are the ones most people expect? I can add those no problem.

You're right on the cabin part, the sheep icon blocks it so it's not really visible. I'll add a longer trail so it's clearer for future players.

## Spoilers (? ##
The reason why the secret boss is hard to hit from the side but not from the front was most likely because you were aiming at the "head", you have to hit the legs first so it falls, it's a quite tall monster so the player wouldn't be able to hit the "head" without stunning it (This is my guess since I don't know exactly where you were trying to hit it, I may be wrong). Maybe I could've made it clearer that's where you're supposed to attack without making it too obvious. Hopefully, that didn't discourage the use of the gun or bear trap, which I think are easier/faster to hit the boss with.

Glad you managed to defeat it at the end, it's a super boss so putting you back near it was the natural choice.

## Spoilers Ends ##

I'm happy that you completed the game and figured it out (yup, you're right). That's the sort of feeling I want to leave the players with my games.

Thanks for playing!

Well that was.. Steamy, hoh,

Although all the important stuff is pretty straightforward, what had me intrigued is a lot of the stuff happening behind the scenes and with all the characters interactions. Which has me asking questions about whether Aliens are the new "Minority Ethnicity" or perhaps they are, or were, infiltrators causing trouble and/or fleeing it.

The ending has me pondering what Paradises deal is, is she a creature that's biologically driven to eat/absorb people? but chooses not too? I presume it'll be explained at a later time.

Overall, an intriguing read. the panel with the mirror reflection and how detailed it was had me quite impressed, I doubt I would of gone to such lengths in your shoes.

My only critique would be asking Harry about integrating a zoom function. While opening it on a new tab and using the browsers zoom works fine, its a bit of an inconvenience.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Steamy is what I deliver. :D Thanks so much for reading, and I'm glad you're having fun with the mysteries, though they will be no longer as the story unfolds. And yeah, I went insane with details on this one, but it was fun.

The reader respects the browser zoom in full window mode, so it assumes whatever level you start at as 100% and goes from there. It even respects pinch zoom on mobile. We are thinking about some QOL changes.

A simple game, I wasn't really expecting much when I jumped into this, took me a while to grasp I had to take out all the unique pieces despite skimming through the instructions. I ened up playing through this.

Now.. I believe that I am pretty competent at puzzle games and figured out how to navigate levels 1 through six after a bit of deliberating.. but then why is level 7 so hard for me??

I've look at it from various angles such as lining them up diagonally or chipping away at the tower equally. Maybe I'm just impatient, but with how much time the other levels took, feels like I'm doing something very wrong. (don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the challenge, it is the final level after all)

That aside though, decent game for what it is, and a nice mix of art and audio to go with it. Give my regards to your crew.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks so much for playing! We're so glad you liked it. Yep, that final level is a doozy. The secret is waiting for just the right piece. ;D

I like the potential here, but there are 2 glaring issues that need to be addressed.

First, although I didn't get too far into the game. I had no idea what I was supposed to be looking out for. The graphics are acceptable the way they are, but the monsters should have something that causes them to pop out, like a contrasting color in comparison to the background.

Second, there's a bug that breaks the cameras, I thought it had to do with changing positions while looking at the cameras. But I ran into the same issue when changing positions and then trying to look at the cameras again.

philRacoIndie responds:

Thank you for the feedback!
Yeah, no animatronics have been added yet, which is why you couldn't see them and
i'm working to fix that annoying bug.

There's definitely potential in the pacing/narrative. What originally drew me into this was what was going to happen next, rather then the game play.

But the boss.. dear god the boss is ridiculous. The fact he does so much damage and auto hits you if you go anywhere in front of him is extremely punishing. From my perspective, usually your first instinct in a "supposedly" evenly matched boss fight is to attack head on. I was being beaten around so much that I never realized I had to attack him from behind. Only time I did figure that out was from reading another review talking about it. After that, the entire strategy to beat him became crystal clear. The only problem is if you don't know what to do, you are gonna be in a world of frustration for every attempt you make trying to figure that out for yourself. If you could restart the game at the boss fight afterwards, it would of made this far less annoying.

The combat is unfair, but do-able once you know what to do. The concept, art, and music is what turns this game from being mundane, to something that stands out. The potential in this game makes me curious as to what you could make in the future.

Yipcks responds:

Wow, thank you so much for your comment sir!

That aspect of the fight that you had to fight him by hitting him at his back was made on purpose, because I had no ideia on how to create a boss fight on construct and I had very few events to make it a more interesting battle, so thats why. I thought that it was more of a mental battle then a hack n' slash, but you're right about the checkpoints, that's the main thing that killed my game.

btw: don't consider yourself a failure just yet sir, there is always enough time to seek what you love.

Best of luck!

AWESOME GAME! but ARGH! the trading..

The most annoying thing in this game though is the darn trading, I can see that you tried to combat this by allowing us to hold down the mouse button instead of just spamming. However that just won't cut it when you need to trade on such a gigantic scale to get certain upgrades or buildings completed why can't you trade in bulk? As others have stated I needed to spend countless minutes just waiting to trade enough resources just to buy the gold/silver I needed to spend another few minutes trading that for the resources I need.

The random events, though there cool are a bit too minor after the mid point of the game. I will admit though I probably didn't encounter all of them so I'll hold back on most of my judgement in regards to score. (I never did get to see a necromancy invasion)

A feature that I almost missed was the EXP, at first I thought it was pointless.. that is until I restarted the game, where my exp was converted into resources. Which made me smile since I was able to easily get back into the game, and not only that I was able to get resources which I was struggling to get during my first play though

Having your heroes leadership being affected by their training and environment is a genius trait that I've almost never seen on a flash game. This is something that I only see in retail RPG/Strategy games. Which also brings up a point. There should be quests where numbers and pure strength/luck shouldn't mean everything. There should also be missions that require stealth and/or specialized squadrons to get the job done and you can't rely on brute force alone to accomplish.

I know I got other suggestions on the brain.. but I can't put my finger on them.. I'll probably PM them later when I play through the game some more.

For a simple practice project for your programming, you have actually invented an extremely unique flash game here. I can't wait to see where you will take it.

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback. I hope to one day revisit this in a more organized fashion. :P I know the trading is a pain in the butt, even buy large groups of units is too.

A problem with the flast conflict

Games good, having a level that adjusts to the song is pretty innovative. but theres a bit of a problem.. when you get that flash conflict message, one problem is how are you suppose to stop video ad's on NG without an ad blocker? Well the solution is simple, either dim the lights (which disables video ads) or play in a pop up. I'd suggest you point this out to avoid other complaints similar to this.

DigYourOwnGrave responds:

Thanks for pointing this out. I'll leave a note in the description. I didn't realize there were so many video ads on the page... what a drag :(


I'm not really sure what this was about, but from what I can tell it seems like a Christmas poem. Although I admit its cute, this seems more like a digital picture book or slide show. Did you make the artwork yourself? For some reason I feel as though I've seen it somwhere before, but since I have no real grounds to go on, I won't deduct points for that.

Anyway, its ok, and maybe you could include a bit more of a explanation about your movie in the comments next time.

Merry Christmas.

Baby89Angel responds:

Its my first try =).

I only made it like this because it was my first try and i dont know how to move parts etc...Thats my next step =).

Thanks to everyone who commented on my flash...I know its kinda poor but i guess i did do a really good job with my 1st ever flash things =)


what do we do if we don't have 3D glasses...?

flash2000 responds:

buy some or build them for yourself.

left eye: red / 0xFF0000
right eye: cyan / 0x00FFFF

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