I never thought seeing a mans head getting blown off with a giant handgun could be so hilarious.
Although the length was a bit short, it keeps true to Krinkels incident clips, nice job.
I never thought seeing a mans head getting blown off with a giant handgun could be so hilarious.
Although the length was a bit short, it keeps true to Krinkels incident clips, nice job.
For something so short and simple, I found myself in awe, the fluid animation, the amazingly done artwork, and the fact its ghosts'n'goblins, made this all the much sweeter. Nice job
Hilarious, Disturbing, and Awesome, NG needs more Warhammer Cartoons
sad part about this whole story is.. this is kind of how every youtube star is born
Quite a step up Kirb, the story felt a lot more fluid then in the previous episodes. Not to mention the art for the conversations is a huge improvement, as others have stated, it makes the characters stand out more and seem more alive.
The only thing I would want to see graphic wise would be for more unique animations for the characters "sprites" (I am not recommending better artwork) since that's what does a majority of the fighting is composed of and is very easy to recycle, which would help make fight scenes more diverse and interesting.
Is no one gonna point this out..?
This video is hilariously amusing, your art style works really well with Team fortress 2, you should consider making more TF2 themed movies.
HOWEVER! I see a few flaws in your animation and art, some of your animations from the start to the halfway point seem to skip a bit, as though you skipped out on a few frames, but since you made this in 4 day I guess I can let that slide... What kills me the most though (in a bad way) is the scout, the way his head is drawn as well as the stretch marks in the expression on his face (after he says "this did not just happen") makes him seem as though hes the oldest guy on the team.
A bit disappointing...
After all this wait.. this is what we get? although there were some awesome scenes here and there, your rushed ending just ruined EVERYTHING! I understand that you had problems and were over capacity, but couldn't you have split it into a part 1 or part 2? or maybe even asked Tom Fulp for an upload limit extension (he does take requests like that from what I've seen)
Also.. metal gear solid and house references..? what the heck? well I guess I can't complain since they did make me laugh. To be on a bit more of a positive note, your animation and art skills are great as always, I loved the lighting effects you put in as well.
Can't wait to see the 5th one (if you are making one) but please try to maintain an actual ending unlike what you did here please.
When I thought madness couldn't get any better
You make it even better. Nice job
AWESOME! needs some work... BUT AWESOME!
I always wanted to do something like this.. too bad I lacked the animation skills.
Although the animation was rough and bit slow paced, you hit everything else spot on, you totally captured what makes castle crashers..well.. castle crashers.
My suggestion('s) to you would be to PLAY THE GAME!.... okay maybe that isn't mandatory since you still managed to recreate the barbarian boss fight without actually playing it, but it would probably give you some inspiration if you plan to make more of these. (just be careful not to make it a complete rip off)
Also, try to find some better sound effects and/or tune down the expressive sound effects a bit (such as the quick head turning at the beginning) since they seemed louder then the actual fight.
That is all I can think of.
Too True.. Too true
That seems to be what politics are now a days, just constant TV broadcasts showing how evil the competitor is instead of actually saying what your going to do if people vote for you. Its so pathetic.
Aside from that, good voice acting, good writing, good animation, good use of jokes, 10/10 here.
Age 33, Male
Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Joined on 9/30/07