Video wouldn't play.
I could hear the audio. But the video wouldn't play, can you fix this?
Video wouldn't play.
I could hear the audio. But the video wouldn't play, can you fix this?
just replay the video
There were some pretty weird moments there.
Now that Cannon thing I wasn't expecting This movie was really good. It sucks that you won't be able to finish the series though. But we all got other things to do right? Good luck on your other projects.
Thank you very much
THAT WAS THE BEST CREW PRODUCTION I"VE SEEN YET!!! I haven't seen something this good in months, excellent work
Like the other people have said, this is somwhat good, but yea it could of used a faster frame rate, some more length along with some sound effects and it MIGHT of had some front page potential.
Plus that was a really cool preloader.
Ok I'll work on it.
I feel your pain bro.. But I have an explanation
I read a gaming mag on this, and they say the reason there doing this is because there trying to add online play to it. Since nintendo is a newb at this they wanna make sure they don't screw up or something like that.
But ya those delays are starting to get annoying, as for the movie, well drawn, well animated (except for the ending) and a good concept so you get a good score
The ending was the easiest part to make, I'll admit that. Also, about the online, that's already added.
See for yourself: de/wi-fi/wi-fi01.html
No audio and no video, But the poem was pretty cool so I'll give you credit for that
cock joke
WHAT!?!? I-I-I'm sorry I just can't get over this.
how can you start work on a submission, only to ditch it right when it starts? you had such a good start, why ruin it...? It could of been so much better....
Its ok, but work on those sprites
No audio, no music, poor animation, not a good combonation, I suggest you start off by trying to remove those blue out lines on the spirtes at least, then it will at least be a 2 or 1.70 in the publics eye.
good luck on the rest of the series
you always vote low on our movies, i thought you were in our crew :P
A bit too short
Although this clips were pretty good, they weren't that well animated, I suggest you work on that department a bit more.
P.S my vote was the last one needed for protection status :)
WOW that was random
That was one hell of a wacky movie... besides the crazyness, It was well-drawn, well colored and well animated. I also liked the audio, Excellent work
It was pretty wacky, eh? Wacky in a completely random way. I'm not going to pretend, so I'll be real. wait I'll pretend. No wait, WAIT. YOU ARE NTO WAITING. Or wait, no, you are. No. Yes. Reverse each time I write a sentence. Say the same thing but not backwards. Repetition. Feet. Nothing's random if you know the source. But no one knows the source, so...? I'm confused. See ya.
Age 33, Male
Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Joined on 9/30/07