Umm... Can we get an english version?
This looks really good, but I wish there was an english version so I could understand whats going on.
Umm... Can we get an english version?
This looks really good, but I wish there was an english version so I could understand whats going on.
english version. . .erm...yeah its a good idea.
In this case I only translate the text from the first episodie. Comig soon the first episode.
LoL so true
This makes a good point. All that Jillette (I think the name is pronounced wrong I just can't remember the origonal spelling) is try to do is to get more money from there products. This is a good movie, even though its only 5-7 seconds long. Nice job
The name is spelled wrong because I said so
That... was a really weird movie. But I must admit, the animation and voice acting was good, so you get a high rating for that.
I'm glad you thought it was weird as it was supposed to be.
Really good voice acting there.
This was amazing, the voice acting was the perfect, The animation was good. I haven't really seen any of your movies (besides tetris unleashed) but this is quality, nice job
Thanks, glad you liked it. I thought the voices really fit too.
Great job, this is amazing, but a bit of advice
I don't really think its wise to mention the Kitty crew in your comments/projects. There not the most popular group on NG, you MIGHT get some hate letters/reviews.
Anyway the animation was really well drawn and the sound effects were perfect. I hope to see more of your projects.
Way way way too quiet...
Although the concept and animation was great, I could barely hear the voices, I'm not exactly sure if its just my laptops crappy speakers, but I basicly had to put them on max and amplify them with audio software (to make it even louder) just to hear what they were saying.
I have a laptop myself and had to turn it all the way up, so I know what you mean. I'm sorry for the poor audio.
This is the greatest movie since mario bros z
The movie was funney, action packed and long, although there were a few flaws with a few of the voice actors. most of them were pretty good, that commander guy was my favorite character, (along with most of your fans probably) I noticed your hard work in customizing most of the sprites, that must of been hell. But it was worth watching. Your jokes were also hilarious, although some weren't funney, they were still amusing to hear/watch. Besides those FEW bad voice acters, there is nothing bad about this movie, at all. Excellent work. Your a great flash artist
Thank you
Very funney
That movie was so funney, I was laughing at "almost" every joke. Shame that this is the last episode, But this was quite the finale. Good job, and good luck with your future projects
Almost every joke huh? Well that's better than none.
Age 33, Male
Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Joined on 9/30/07