View Profile SimCorder

Age 33, Male


Vancouver, B.C, Canada

Joined on 9/30/07

Exp Points:
9,018 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.06 votes
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B/P Bonus:
4y 1m 30d

SimCorder's News

Posted by SimCorder - June 12th, 2008

Although hanging around newgrounds is fun, it just doesn't seem that interesting anymore. So I'm no longer, gonna update my profile, but I will drop by to deposit my exp and probably write a review or 2.

To the L7C: it was awesome being with you guys, I'm sorry if I wasn't very much help. I hope our crew gets out of the hatred section someday.

MiniCity (I don't expect anyone to click these anymore, but I just leave em here for myself)

Click to increase population
Click to Improve industry
Click to improve transit system

Posted by SimCorder - April 9th, 2008

There isn't very much to cover this month.... or at least not yet.... I'll update this if something pops up sometime this month

But one thing to say, I got Metal Gear Solid 2 a few days ago, For only $9.99, which is odd because its pretty fun and the graphics are just as good as the 3rd one.

If any of you readers still playing this game and are having trouble with the tanker or anything a little while after that I might be able to help you out.

I try to update my news page once a month so drop by if your interested

Mini City (you can only click one of the following options per day)

Click to increase population
Click to improve industry (lowers unemployment)
Click to Improve Traffic system

Posted by SimCorder - March 15th, 2008

Monday.. March 10th... 2008... A day after the famous Super smash brawl came out, I went to the store and bought my preordered copy of it.. and I played it, and IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE: I got the online play up and running, Although I might not be online very much, you can challenge me (or occasionally my bro) if your up for it

My friend code is 4897-5881-9735
(I'd also like to get your code so I can add you myself)


Click to increase population
click to improve industry (lowers unemployment)

Posted by SimCorder - February 8th, 2008

Yoshi777 showed me this. it seems pretty cool, so I started up a city of my own.

Check it out
Click here to improve industry (lowers unemployment after a few people click it)

As for that, today everything seems quiet.

Posted by SimCorder - January 17th, 2008

I can't belive this happend. But before I can tell you what I need to explain something for you to understand. My dad works at a real estate rental company, so one day he finds out that one of his customers was making drugs (the illigal kind) so the police were sent in.. but they got away, but they had to leave there stuff behind. After it was checked for finger prints my dad took there X-Box 360 AND GAVE IT TO ME!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by SimCorder - December 27th, 2007

I wasn't exactly expecting it...but it happend, I always thought the gutiar hero series was lame, but after trying it out. I had to change my opinon, aparently its like dance dance revolution but gutiar style.


Posted by SimCorder - December 11th, 2007

I recently got the 30-day trial of Flash CS3 on my laptop. After spending a few hours on it every few days, I barely have any idea on how it works... All I know how to do is tweening, frame by frame, and onion skinning.

Although I can't really make movies very well, I made a practise flash that
I THINK will be NG quality, I just need to tweak it a bit more and I'll submit it in a few days. Although theres a good chance its going to be a failure, I gotta start somwhere right...? rriiight...???

Oh yea, and I got a few questions about flash, first, how do you use action script? and how does converting stuff to symbols work? All I know about it is that you use it to copy images you made.

Posted by SimCorder - November 11th, 2007

well Day 42 and things are starting to look well, I got a deity whistle today. (which I'm quite happy for) Plus I'm a member of the luckey 7 crew. Although I don't have flash yet, I bet I could still commit to quite a bit to them.

If your interested in the Luckey 7 go to there founder's user page.

Posted by SimCorder - October 1st, 2007

Man, I really should of made this account when I first found out about this site.... I would of been lvl 40 or 50 by now if I did...