Has lots of potential, but needs a lot of work
Although this game is fun, there isn't very much you can do, when you finally get some decent stats the games almost over. Stress was also a problem, I spent around 60% of the game with stress control, by the time I could get into the game I ran out of time. Positive events in adventures shouldn't contribute to stress, I found that rediculous, you find a warrior friend and I gain 5 stress? what the heck? Common sense tells me that should reduce stress, not increase it. Also, there aren't any items that make use of the elemental system, every spell I come accross is fire, there should also be items that should enhance magic or monsters that can be identifyed somehow to know what they can do.
I also find getting into a new job difficult, its so hard to make money when your trying to learn a high paying job, I can understand this for dragon taming since it has a high payout and well.. your taming dragons, but you should gain at least some money when your character messes up in a job, when I'm learning a job I have to give up so much money on stress relief that by the time I can make some decent money, I could of spent the money I lost on much more useful things. Never the less, this is an amazing game.
but since I don't want to make this review any longer since its probably a hassle, heres a summary of what I think should be improved if theres a sequal,
-higher stress tolorance
-positive events should reduce stress, not increase it (unless something bad happend)
-Jobs and training should let you know what stats they improve or decrease before you start them
-Improved combat/magic system
-More events in adventuring as well as events in dungeons
-Some dungeons should have bosses or suprise events when you meet specific requirements
-Should have more time to play
-Failing a job should still give you some money
Well, thats everything I can think of, I hope you find this helpful. This game has so much potential, I'd hate to see it thrown away.