This game is awesome, and heres an FAQ.
This game is pretty good but not as great as exmortis. (although the story was way better) The sound effects were cool and it scared the hell out of me now and then.
And heres an FAQ
The attic
1. Take the card in the jacket pocket (you'll need it for later)
2. Turn around (click the left side of the screen)
3. Take the rope under the drawer and everything in the drawer
4. Look on top of the drawer and there should be a hook, combine this with the rope.
5. Go back to the door, look above it and you should find an opening, use the rope on that
6. Move the rope around until you hear some noises, click and the door should open
2nd Floor
1. First turn on the lights (you don't have too but your character will refuse to go into the hallway)
2. Pick up any items you find in any of the rooms (there should at least be 1 item in every room except the bathroom)
3. In the bedroom turn on the lights (the switch is on a power cord on the ground) then grab the note on the bed and the item near the lower left corner of the screen and look at the clock. instead of looking at the lines that are lighted up, look at the ones that are not lighted up, they should form numbers which is the code for the computer.
4. Go in the computer room take the note from the printer, then turn on the computer and click on the moniter
5. Enter the code and read the Journal (all of it)
6. Go down stairs and turn on the lamp
1st floor
1. Go in the lounge room and take the 2 items
2. go in the next room take the note and painting
3. In one of the rooms here if you found everything there should be a glowing closet, open it
How to get the code for the vault
Look at the notes you got look at the shape of the notes and the shapes on the vault door, then enter the code converting the letters to numbers (e.g L = 6 ) the code is LoveLustMurder
4. After you grab the infamous soothsayer, take the key and use it on the door that ghost went into
5. theres 2 ways you can go,
if you want the evil ending use the soothsayer on the glass thingie on the table,
6. For the good ending, go outside and click on the hole 2 times
you've now beaten the game,